Year 5 Homework Page


Spellings week ending 26/04/24 









(These are words children will be practising and using in their writing over the coming week.)

Ask me about questions

Can I tell you about Odysseus and what has happened so far in our new class text?

Can I explain any of these terms – Northern Hemisphere, Southern Hemisphere, biome, climate? (A biome is a natural area of plants and animals. The world is divided into lots of different biomes and they are all different depending on their climate.)

Can I name 3 (or even 5) important lines of latitude? (e.g. Equator, Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of Capricorn, Artic Circle, Antarctic Circle).

Can I name an important line of longitude? (e.g. the Prime Meridian)

Can I explain what lines of latitude and longitude are?

Can I tell you about any similarities and differences between Greece and the United Kingdom? (e.g. both have lots of coastline, both are in the Europe, both are in the Northern Hemisphere/ Greece is closer to the equator, it has a Mediterranean climate (hot, dry summers and mild, wet winters), the United Kingdom has a temperate climate (e.g. war, wet summers and cool, wet winters), we speak a different language, have a different currency etc).





Remember to keep practising your number facts on Timestable Rock Stars

or White Rose 1 Minute Maths.

Don't forget to check out this weeks task on Rollama!

Most importanly READ, READ and READ some more!


